Cats And You: The Secret Healing Powers of Cats

Written by Caroline Connor

Most people generally think that cats do nothing, are lazy and all they do is eat and sleep. Not so! Did you know that cats have a specific job to perform in your life? Did you ever wonder why so many people have cats nowadays, more so than dogs?

Here’s an unknown tip inside the secret life of cats. All cats are empowered to remove accumulated negative energy from your body on a daily basis. While you are sleeping, they absorb it from your body. If there is more than one person in the family, and only one cat, it may accumulate an overload of negativity from absorbing energy from so many people.

When they sleep, a cat’s body releases the negativity that it removed from you. If you are extremely stressed out, they may not have had enough time to release this negative energy, therefore it is stored as fat until they can. Therefore, they will become overweight — and you thought it was the food that you were feeding them!

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Read by Marie T Russell. Publisher InnerSelf

Music By Caffeine Creek Band, Pixabay

About The Author

Caroline Connor is a Radionic Consultant, writer, inventor, author of “Educational Radionic Workbook and General Information”, “Isthmus of Time”, “Doorway to Your Galactic Heritage”, Radionic Home Study Program. At the present time Caroline Connor is continuing her extensive research in the field of Radionics and of course creative writing. For more information visit her website:

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